What’s New?
- Businesses can now add subscriptions directly from Payments > Subscriptions > Add Subscription.
- They can also add subscriptions from the Contact’s detail page, enabling quicker subscription addition for the customer – Contacts > Contact Details > Payments > Actions > Create Subscription.
- While adding subscriptions, either option can be scheduled for a future date by picking a specific Billing Date to start the subscription and associated payment collections.
- The feature allows users to add a new subscription by selecting the customer and product and completing payment using any existing cards on file or adding a new card – all in a single flow.
- A new invoice can also be added directly from the contact’s details page. The user will be redirected to invoice creation with the customer details pre-filled – Contacts > Contact Details > Payments > Actions > Create Invoice
What’s Next?
- Further enhancements on Subscriptions like Pause/Resume Subscriptions
- This would allow subscriptions to be paused for a fixed or indefinite duration and can be resumed automatically (fixed duration) or manually.