
Calendar: Add Notes Per Appointment

What’s New? We’ve introduced a new feature that allows users to add and track notes for individual appointments. These notes can be viewed, edited, and deleted in the Appointment Modal and appear in the Notes section under the Contacts & Conversations tab....

Square in Calendar Payments

What’s New? We’re excited to announce the addition of Square as a payment integration in Calendars! Alongside existing options like Stripe, Authorize Net, NMI, and Razorpay, you can now use Square to collect booking payments and expand your global reach...

Rescheduled Tag in Appointments

What’s New? We’ve introduced a tag that allows users to identify rescheduled appointments quickly. A “Rescheduled” tag will appear in both the appointment list view and the appointment modal whenever an appointment is rescheduled. The previous date...

Personal Calendar for Seamless 1:1 Bookings

What’s New? Users wanting to create one-on-one bookings often hesitated to use the Round Robin option, as it seemed suited for multiple users. As a result, many resorted to using the Event Calendar, unaware that it is meant for physical events and does not...