How to create a Subscription or Invoice within the contact details page

What’s New?

  • Businesses can now add subscriptions directly from Payments > Subscriptions > Add Subscription
  • You can also add subscriptions from the Contact’s detail page enabling quicker addition of a subscription for the customer – Contacts > Contact Details > Payments > Actions > Create Subscription
  • While adding subscriptions either option can also be scheduled for a future date by picking a specific Billing Date to start the subscription and associated payment collections.
  • The feature allows users to add a new subscription by selecting the customer and product and completing payment using any existing cards on file or adding a new card – all in a single flow.
  • A new Invoice can also be added directly from the Contact’s detail page, where the user will be redirected to invoice creation with the customer details pre-filled – Contacts > Contact Details > Payments > Actions > Create Invoice

How to create a subscription:

There are a couple of ways to create a new subscription. Next, you will find the first way to add them manually.

Go to Payments > Subscriptions:

Click on the Add Subscription Button:

Complete the fields with the following information:

How to create a subscription or Invoice within Contact Page Details:

There is another way to create subscriptions and invoices. Go to Contacts when you want to create a new subscription or invoice.

Then, go to the dollar icon on the right panel and click on ‘actions’

Select Create Subscription or Create Invoice:

Please fill in the fields with the required information and then click on “schedule”.

Once you schedule the subscription, you will be able to see the details.

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